Soft Tissue Injuries
Explanation from a Pittsburgh Catastrophic Injury Lawyer
When one thinks of catastrophic injuries they often think of issues that will affect the skeleton of the body or major organs; for example, injuries that damage the spine or brain. There are, however, some injuries just as catastrophic which affect neither. Injuries classified as "soft tissue injuries," target the muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body. This can be anything from a sprain or strain to a contusion – it can also include torn and overstretched tendons, ligaments or muscles.
There are two major causes of these injuries: macrotrauma and microtrauma. Mactrotrauma refers to a sudden impact – for example, sudden and excessive force or blunt trauma (such as a car accidents). This can result in the muscle tearing, the body bruising or sprains. Microtrauma is a less direct and instead results from the body being overused over time or dealing with constant friction; this could result from something like being improperly trained at the workplace. Both microtrauma and macrotrauma, however, result in similar symptoms:
- Significant pain;
- Inflammation;
- Loss of function; and
- Swelling of the area.
No matter whether the soft tissue injury was sustained during an accident or from poor conditions over a longer period of time, it is important to discuss your case with a knowledgeable Pittsburgh personal injury attorney These can be anything from tendonitis and bursitis to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). If it has been the result of negligence on behalf of another party, you could have grounds to file a claim which could cover all damages that have been sustained as a result.
Law Firm Representing Soft Tissue Injury Victims
If you have suffered these or any other soft tissue injury in an accident that was caused by someone else, speak to our firm as soon as possible. At Frank Walker Law, our firm could help during this time by looking into the cause of the injury, as well as associated costs. We understand the complications surrounding cases involving soft tissue injuries and have the experience necessary to address them, having earned a reputation for fighting aggressively and getting results for our clients.
Should you choose to work with us, you will receive the personal attention you deserve. We have achieved excellent case results and have the jury trial experience that makes us able to represent you effectively. When you come in for your consultation, you can see our case history for yourself before you make any final decisions. Therefore, if you have sustained a soft tissue injury, our firm could be able to help you seek compensation for your damages. To learn more about your accident, contact a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney from our office today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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