Pittsburgh Shoplifting Defense Attorney
Have You Been Charged with Shoplifting?
If you have been charged with shoplifting in Pittsburgh, you will be made to face penalties that will greatly affect your future. An experienced attorney can help defend your rights and greatly improve your chances of avoiding harsh penalties. Although shoplifting is a less serious charge than other types of theft crimes, it can still create chaos in your life and deny you future opportunities that you may have otherwise been able to take advantage of. Many people make the mistake of believing that shoplifting penalties will not affect their lives. You can still be made to face jail time, hefty fines, and a permanent mark on your criminal record. Many employers will not hire individuals with a theft crime on their record because they view it as a risk. A Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney can benefit you greatly by reviewing your case immediately and recommending your best course of action at this time.
Defending Misdemeanor and Felony Shoplifting Charges in Pittsburgh
When an individual intentionally takes property from a retail establishment, he or she can be charged with shoplifting. Most shoplifting charges are considered misdemeanors and involve little jail time. In some cases, however, shoplifting charges can be considered felonies. A felony charge is based on the cost of the merchandise and whether or not the individual has any prior theft convictions.
An attorney can help you to understand where you stand in relation to these charges and what can be done to help overcome them. For over seven years our firm has been obtaining excellent results for clients facing theft charges. A shoplifting conviction can follow you throughout your life and even make it more difficult for you to enter the college of your choice, complete an application for a financial loan, and take advantage of employment opportunities. Speak with an attorney from our firm today if you are currently facing theft charges and need immediate assistance.
Contact a Pittsburgh shoplifting defense attorney from the firm to have your case reviewed.

Trial-Test ExperieenceOur award-winning firm has even handled appeals in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Victories Speak For ThemselvesYou need to join forces with a criminal defense attorney who gets results
Attorney Walker In The NewsOur lawyer handles high-profile cases and is often asked to provide legal analysis.